If your birth year is 1948 or 2008, you are an earth rat in chinese astrology. earth rats are honest, amiable, serious, modest, flexible, and with a strong sense of self-esteem. Rat's fixed earthly branch is water, while ox is earth. they complement and help one another in both work and life. couples that are formed from rat and dragon . See more videos for earth rat chinese zodiac.
The zodiacal rat or zodiacal mouse is the first of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the chinese zodiac, constituting part of the chinese calendar system (with similar systems in use elsewhere). In chinese culture, rats represent working diligently and thriftiness, so people born in a rat year are thought. The year of the earth rat marks the beginning of a new 60-year cycle in the chinese zodiac. find out what makes this year so significant and what it may.
2008 chinese zodiac earth rat metal rat (1960, 2020) personality: people born in the year of the rat with metal of the five elements are hot-tempered and jealous. with strong sense of egoism, they are very sensitive to others’ views. The earth rat will rarely take unnecessary chances and is more than 2020 chinese astrology and feng shui guide · 2020 cures and enhancers · 2020 flying . The rat is the chinese zodiac sign known for being inquisitive, shrewd, and resourceful. the rat is also the first in the rotation of the 12 zodiac signs, meaning that a rat year is a year of.
Rat Zodiac Wikipedia
The rat is also associated with the earthly branch (地支—dì zhī) zi (子) and the midnight hours. in the terms of yin and yang (阴阳—yīn yáng), the rat is yang and represents the beginning of a new day. in chinese culture, rats were seen as a sign of wealth and surplus. The zodiacal rat or zodiacal mouse is the first of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the chinese zodiac, constituting part of the chinese calendar system (with similar systems in use elsewhere). the year of the rat in standard chinese is (chinese: 鼠年; pinyin: shǔ nián); the rat is associated with the first branch of the earthly branch symbol 子 (zǐ), which starts a.
The rat is the first of all zodiac animals. according to one myth, the jade emperor said the order would be decided by the order in which they arrived to his party. the rat tricked the ox into giving him a ride. then, just as they arrived at the finish line, rat jumped down and landed ahead of ox, becoming first. According to chinese zodiac, 1948 is the year of the rat. and based on chinese five elements, it belongs to the earth. so the rat earth rat chinese zodiac people born in 1948 are the earth rat. as chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, this earth rat year is from february 5, 1948 to january 28, 1949.
1948, 2008 chinese zodiac earth rat years of the earth rat people born in the year of 1948 (feb. 10, 1948 jan. 28, earth rat chinese zodiac 1949) or 2008 (feb. 06, 2008 jan. 25, 2009) which is wu zi year are members of the earth rat. Earth rat the chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of the rat; consequently those born within this category like to be first, pioneers, at the forefront of the action. because of this, they tend to see themselves as a cut above the others.
Earth rat chinese zodiac. the earth appeared, when the moisture, from the sky fell down. the earth is characterized by earth rat chinese zodiac the summer sun and the beginning of the cold breeze of autumn. the earth is a symbol of the home and life. earth rats often show a tendency to think deeply, which can sometimes harm them. The rat is the chinese zodiac sign known for being inquisitive, shrewd, and resourceful. the rat is also the first in the rotation of the 12 zodiac signs, meaning that a rat year is a year of renewal.
Rat chinese zodiac signs people born in an earth element and rat sign year are amiable, honest, flexible, modest, and down-to-earth. they are very . According to chinese elemental theory, every sign of the chinese zodiac signs has an elemental attribute corresponding to it, such as wood, water, metal, earth, and fire. rat experience their ben ming nian every 12 years, while an elemental attribute attached to the animal sign (for example, a water rat) occurs once in 60 years. 2020 is the year of metal rat starting from jan. 25, 2020 (chinese lunar near year) and lasting to feb. 11, 2021. rats are in ben ming nian (zodiac year of birth) and conflict tai sui in 2020. In general, rats' best matches come from ox, dragon and monkey according to chinese zodiac compatibility rules. they can live an everlasting and happy marriage life together. however, they should avoid horse and rooster in case of divorcing tragedy.
2008 Chinese Zodiac Earth Rat Horoscope Personality Study
2019-12-30 according to chinese zodiac, 1948 is the year of the rat. and based on chinese five elements, it belongs to the earth. so the rat people born . 2018-09-15 the earth rat stands out for their resilience and great ability to deal with money, from making the best decisions to saving when others wouldn't .

Rat Zodiac Wikipedia
2008 is the year of the rat according to chinese zodiac. and in chinese five elements, it belongs to year of the earth. so the rat people born in 2008 is the earth rat. as chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, this earth rat year is from february 6, 2008 to january 25, 2009. 2020 is the year of metal rat starting from jan. 25, 2020 (chinese lunar near year) and lasting to feb. 11, 2021. rats are in ben ming nian (zodiac year of birth) and conflict tai sui in 2020. ranking the first in the chinese zodiac, rat represents wisdom. The zodiacal rat or zodiacal mouse is the first of the repeating 12-year cycle of animals which the year of the rat in standard chinese is (chinese: 鼠年; pinyin: shǔnián); the rat is 12 february 1888, 30 january 1889, earth rat. The chinese astrological cycle begins with the year of the rat; consequently those born within this category like to be first, pioneers, at the forefront of the action.
Earth rat. 1948, 2008 chinese zodiac earth rat. years of the earth rat. people born in the year of 1948 (feb. 10, 1948 jan. 28, 1949) or 2008 (feb. 06, 2008 jan. 25, 2009) which is wu zi year are members of the earth rat. for those born before feb. 10, 1948 or feb. 06, 2008, they belong to the zodiac animal of fire pig. Earth rat people are the most constant and realistic of all the rats in the chinese zodiac. they have the intelligence of the sign they’re born in but they are not as lightheaded. that’s why they’re sensitive and very logical, which means they have all the chances for great careers and strong relationships.